

A community of Knock super users & raving fans

A Knock customer who is vocally promoting the Knock brand. They act as a partner, making introductions. They mentor and educate on behalf of Knock, both on the product and on industry trends and best practices. They are available for bylines, case studies, and to act as ambassadors at events. And they have a special verified badge so other customers and prospects know they are mentors and super users.


What's in it for you?

Points earned can be redeemed for different tiered prizes, including onsite engagement support, invitations to social events, conference attendance sponsorships, charity donations, and Knock swag. Customers who excel in certain categories will receive badges.

Program & Tier Benefits

As a knock customer, you can earn star points for referring your friends, mentoring others, having fun on social, telling your success stories, and influencing in the multifamily industry.




Access to the customer forum

Access to the Knock swag store

Early access to new features

Access to Knock product & support teams

Learning & networking events

Verified super-user badge

Speaking & PR opportunities

Access to regional networking events

Discounts to industry conferences

Invite to Knock User Conference